Tag Archives: Ratty

Twister forecast

Just when you’d be entitled to think that our PR rat had shuffled on to greener pastures, I find recent evidence of his continued existence. Hard to tell where he is exactly but  I feel sure he’s warbling merrily about the soon-to-be-published novel set in Dunedin one sultry late summer when sinister events are heralded and underscored by a tornado ripping through the city. (All too likely in the current weather weirdness.)

Rat sarongHere’s a little piece of the cover image. More will be unveiled in the coming weeks, along with the facts. For now, title: Twister. Author, Jane Woodham of Dunedin. Genre: multiple. Calling it ‘a mystery’ covers several bases. Available: from November.

Twister morsel
Cover art by Rob West, design by Caroline Pope

In the near future we’ll introduce you to Jane, find out about the writing of Twister, and see what else she gets up to. Meanwhile, you can read entertaining accounts of her trek through the editing process here.