How to buy Rosa Mira ebooks

Simple: you pay, you choose a format, and you download your ebook.

The steps below apply to purchases made via a computer — our recommended method for most reading devices. You can also buy and download ePub files directly within Apple’s iOS devices. (If you use an Android, WebOS, Windows Phone 7 or other device, please check to see whether you can also do this.)

1. Pay

Click the Buy Now button and you will be taken to a PayPal page where you can pay with your own PayPal account or by credit card. Once you have done this you will have access to the Download Page.

2. Choose your format

On the Download Page, you choose your format. Our ebooks come in these formats: ePub, PDF, and Kindle-compatible.

Choose the format that suits your device.

  • ePub: Recommended for almost all hand-held devices. This includes i-devices (iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch), Kobo, Nook, Sony Reader and Android Devices. The ePub format we provide is a widely used standard.
  • PDF: Best suited to computer screens. Also works on many e-readers, but a screen smaller than an iPad or Kindle DX makes a PDF harder to read.
  • Kindle: Kindle-compatible format (mobi) can be used on Kindle readers and apps.

3. Download your ebook

Once you have chosen your format, click on the download link.

How to get ebooks onto your device

Note: These instructions are intended to be helpful rather than prescriptive. If you have a preferred way of doing things, or like to use different software, please consult the relevant documentation.

iOS devices (iPad, iPod Touch, iPhone)

Make sure your software is up-to-date and that you have a book reader app installed. You might choose iBooks from Apple or Kindle from Amazon, both free and available on the App Store (in iTunes).

Go ahead and pay for the book on the Rosa Mira website. You will be taken to a download page. Choose the version you need (we have labelled them clearly) and tap to download. Safari will prompt you to install your ebook in the reader app of your choice.

Other devices with reading apps (Android, Windows Phone 7, Blackberry, WebOS etc.)

Please check your documentation to learn whether you can buy seamlessly from your device. If you are at all unsure, just buy via your computer and transfer the downloaded ebook to your device from there.

Kindle devices

There are two ways to send MOBI-formatted application notes to your Kindle: connecting your Kindle to your computer, or emailing the MOBI file to your free Amazon Kindle e-mail address.

Transfer by connecting your Kindle to your computer:
  1. On  your computer, buy and download the MOBI format file from Rosa Mira Books.
  2. Connect your Kindle to the computer using its USB/charging cable.
  3. Drag and drop the file to your Kindle’s ‘documents’ folder, using your computer’s file browser.
  4. When done, eject the Kindle’s disk icon (right-click on the icon and choose ‘Eject.’).
E-mail the MOBI file:
  1. Setup the Kindle e-mail feature:
    • Go to your Amazon account and click the ‘Manage Your Kindle’ link.
    • Find your Kindle name and Kindle e-mail address. Add ‘free’ to the email address, following this example:
    • To avoid spam, only contacts on your Kindle approved e-mail list can send attachments to your Kindle. Update the section, ‘Your Kindle Approved E-mail List’ to include the address from which you will be sending the links.
  2. Buy and download the MOBI format file from Rosa Mira Books to your computer.
  3. Attach the file to an e-mail message and send it to your Kindle’s e-mail address (e.g.
  4. The ebook is automatically transferred to your Kindle.

Other purpose-built reading devices (Sony Reader, Nook, Kobo, etc.)

Please consult your device’s documentation. You will probably need to buy your ebook on your computer. From there you can transfer it to your device with a USB cable.

We are DRM-free

Our ePub books are DRM-free. This means they are not protected from copying. We trust our readers will respect the effort it takes to write, edit and publish books of high quality. When you buy an ebook from us, you get lifetime access to an exceptional book.